Captain Berringer
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Vital statistics | |
Title | Captain |
Gender | Male |
Status | Deceased |
Ships | Rogers' Fleet |
Relationships | Woodes Rogers (governor) Mrs. Berringer (wife) Berringer's son (son) Utley (lieutenant; deceased) Kendrick (lieutenant; deceased) Burrell (lieutenant; deceased) Werth (lieutenant; deceased) John Silver (enemy) Max (former ally, enemy) |
Appearances | First: XXIX. Last: XXXI. |
Portrayed by | Chris Larkin |
- "Right now, good men is not what the moment requires. Right now, the time calls for dark men to do dark things"
- ―Berringer to Rogers
Captain Berringer was an officer in the British Army, and Governor Rogers second-in-command in Nassau. After the catastrophic defeat of their forces at the Maroon Island, Berringer, became embittered and vengeful, committed to defeating the pirate forces that killed so many of his men. He believed that to fight the pirates, one must be willing to sink to their level to do it. To him, defeating the pirates is more important than his duty to the King, or even his family.
At some point, Berringer joined the British Army, and rose to the rank of captain. He was part of the contingent of 700 army personnel sent to assist Woodes Rogers in establishing himself as governor. Berringer's wife and son remained in England.
Following the Battle of the Maroon Island during which the British forces were defeated by the pirates, Berringer refused a direct order by his superiors to return to England after war with Spain breaks out, and led a desertion of several hundred redcoats, all united by the sole ambition to exact vengeance on the pirates who had muredered so many of their comrades. He swore his allegeance directly to Woodes Rogers, and dedicated himself to utterly destroying the pirate threat by any means possible.
In the months that followed, Berringer led Rogers' forces in fighting the Pirate Resistance, which launched Raids on the Western Plantations, harassing the supply lines into Nassau Town. At one point, they tried to force their way into Nassau, but were repelled after bloody fighting. Berringer reached out to two men to betray the resistance and destroy them from within, but they discovered the plot in time and the traitors were killed[1].
Season Four[]
Berringer commands his men from the ramparts of Fort Nassau alongside Governor Woodes Rogers. As the Pirate Fleet sails into the harbor, three of their ships are grounded on scuttled hulks. Berringer observes that the barricade held and asks Rogers for orders. Rogers orders that they open fire, and Berringer relays to his men for the eastern battery to open fire. As the pirates are hammered by the fort's cannons, Rogers orders that they have the sloops engage the pirates, and Berringer relays to the order. The Walrus manages to elevate her starboard guns enough to begin firing back. Noticing this, Rogers orders Berringer to have the cannons reload with chain shot and to target the pirates' sails.
The pirates flee in longboats, but as they do so, they are attacked by the sloops and flee with heavy losses. Meanwhile, the Revenge, the only ship not to have been grounded, flees. Berringer asks if they should pursue, but Rogers says it would be at the cost of rounding up the pirates' longboats. Rogers asks if Berringer is certain that his men can capture Teach's ship, and Berringer replies that the Revenge has been weakened, and the Redcoats can attack the weakened ship from three sides with greater numbers, the pirates are tactically disadvantaged. Rogers says that Teach fights to avenge Vane's death, and revenge is a powerful motivator. Rogers says that between tactics and passion, he would choose the latter. Berringer says that his men wish to avenge the deaths of their brethren at the Maroon Island, and Rogers gives the go ahead.
After the pirates have fled, Berringer accompanies Rogers to assess the situation in Nassau Town. Berringer informs him that a squad is returning from the outer beaches and that they have 75 captives. Rogers says that there must be more pirates running free. Berringer agrees, but says that their ability to search outside of Nassau Town is limited due to their numbers and not knowing where to look. Rogers then asks about informants and Berringer scoffs. Rogers says that after their victory, there has to be someone in town who knows where to look and is willing to come forward. Lieutenant Kendrick then arrives with nine new prisoners captured by the fence line. He tells them that De Groot is Flint's Ship's Master. Rogers tries to offer clemency in exchange for information, knowing that De Groot is a member of Flint's inner circle. De Groot refuses however, and then Berringer steps up and tells him that he was at the Maroon Island the day they were defeated by the pirates.
Berringer emphasizes that he saw what was done to his men, and that he heard that to mark their victory, the Maroon children removed the ears of the dead soldiers. Berringer then explains that the soldiers who remain do so in violation of their duty to the British Army, and that they will likely answer for this if they ever return to England, but he says that somethings are more important than duty. Berringer then pulls out his knife and cuts off De Groot's left ear, which he then hands to Lieutenant Burrell. Berringer then tells Rogers that the pirates won't turn on their own anymore, it is no longer that type of war. Rogers replies that he wants the trials begun as soon as possible, and Berringer affirms. That night, when Max and the other civilians return to town after it is confirmed to be safe, she observes Berringer and several of his men beat a pirate prisoner[1].
The next day, Max, Featherstone and Idelle watch as Berringer oversees the construction of a gallows on the steps of the Governor's Mansion. When she reveals that she knows they are informants for the Pirate Resistance, they ask why she didn't report them to Berringer. She tells them that the pirate threat makes him a necessary evil, but she does not want him interfering in her affairs, encouraged by one scandal to search for more, hence why she secured an agreement from Rogers to keep her informants confidential.
Berringer informs Woodes and Eleanor that Teach has returned. He escorts them to the beach, where Teach sent one the sloops that was sent to pursue him drifting into the harbor, festooned with the corpses of executed Redcoat prisoners. Berringer tells them that Teach promises to maintain his position blockading the harbor unless Eleanor is delivered to him. He adds that 61 more of his men are held prisoner aboard Teach's ship, and the pirate has threatened to execute more of them if Eleanor is not delivered.

Max and Berringer watch the pirate trials. After one pirate, Colin, is escorted out of the Tavern after cursing out Judge Adams, Berringer remarks that it's been like that all day. They've condemned a dozen men since morning and he has yet to see any of them express remorse for their crimes. Max replies that when you condemn a dozen men in as many hours, remorse may be too much to ask. Berringer asks her if she objects to trials, and she answers that she does not, but she does object to spectacle. She believes that spectacle is certain to increase defiance and anger rather than soothe it, that they should move past all of this rather than wallow in it. Berringer acknowledges her point of view as noble, even admitting that he might share it were it not for the soldier whose throat he found cut that morning with a note that promised further reprisals. Max expresses her condolences before taking her leave.
Max later learns that Berringer is to be left in command of Nassau when the Governor leaves to Port Royal and try and lure away Teach, allowing Eleanor to go to Philadelphia to try and secure aid from her grandparents. Max strongly advises against it, saying that Berringer is so consumed by the conflict that he is more concerned with ending it than losing it. Eleanor ignores her concerns, and believes that Berringer's loyalty, strength and the fact that he is the most feared man in Nassau are exactly what is necessary at the moment[2].

The night Rogers departs, he finds Berringer on the steps of the Governor's Mansion, gazing at the locket with pictures of his wife and child. He asks what the Captain is doing, and he answers that he is waiting to hear from scouts in the field, but it's nothing Rogers needs to worry about. They then discuss the coming fight, and Berringer reassures Rogers that contemplating the things that will be necessary to do will be difficult, but ultimately Rogers' true nature will show itself. Rogers answers that Berringer has given him good men to lead and he will do his best by them. Berringer responds that none of them are good anymore, for the time requires dark men willing to do dark deeds. He urges Rogers not to be afraid to lead them to it. Berringer then asks what Rogers will do if he is lucky and captures Teach. Rogers responds by telling him the story of how his brother, Thomas, was killed in a battle with a Spanish galleon just moments before they surrendered. Rogers then butchered 73 men from the crew, leaving one alive to spread the tale. Rogers then says that he will give Teach the same treatment, for threatening those he holds dear.
Later, Berringer and many other citizens watch from the streets of Nassau as Governor Rogers attempts to flee to Port Royal under cover of Fort Nassau's guns, hoping to lure away Teach from his position blockading the harbor. He also pays particular attention to Max, and takes note of her departure. With Rogers, gone, and Eleanor preparing to depart to Philadelphia, Berringer is in command of the garrison and Nassau.
While the Governor was fleeing to Port Royal, one of his men follows Max to her secret parley with John Silver. The next day, he has her arrested. Berringer interrogates her, asking why she didn't help turn Silver in. Max explains that she was summoned there in a failed attempt to extort money from her, and she tried and failed to arrest him. Berringer replies that she should have tried to eliminate Silver instead of arresting him, and informed him. He threatens her with charges of treason, which Judge Adams agrees to, if she doesn’t give up her informants, but Max refuses and meets his gaze with equal resolve. Berringer then reveals that he has sent a posse to the Wrecks to capture Long John Silver.
Eleanor then arrives and asks what is going on. Berringer explains himself, and Eleanor tries to reason with him, reminding him that Max is the most influential member of the Governor's Council, and she was relied upon to ease any tensions within Nassau Town. Berringer replies that he is happy to tell the Governor that in his absence, Berringer was able to foil a plot to conspire with the pirates orchestrated by the most influential member of the council. He then apologizes to Eleanor for the delay in her departure to Philadelphia, as the men were needed to address this recent crisis, but promises to get her on her way as soon as he can.
When the posse returns, the Posse Commander gives Berringer the Black Spot that was left pinned to the bodies of three soldiers killed by the pirates. Berringer angrily reads it out loud to the people in the square, and it encourages the citizens of Nassau to rise up against Berringer and help free the captives in the fort. Berringer then removes all his weapons from his person and invites anyone to challenge him. When no one does, he calls them all cowards.
As Berringer prepares to go through with the hangings, Eleanor returns with a map of the routes the Pirate Resistance used to get into Nassau. Eleanor advises that he send men to lie in wait to ambush Silver and finish the conflict quietly. Berringer asks if Max provided this information, and Eleanor answers that she did. Berringer lays on the hangings of the captured pirates with full public spectacle to draw Silver into a trap, despite Eleanor’s warning that it will encourage defiance in Nassau. As the hangings go on, Eleanor asks him if he set the ambush and realizes that he didn't. Berringer explains that Nassau needs to see that they can demonstrate control, and a quiet ambush does not accomplish that.
John Silver rides into town Nassau flanked by Flint and Israel Hands. However, Berringer stands ready with his men as the pirates enter the square. However, the pirates are soon joined by dozens of townspeople. An intense and bloody skirmish ensues. Nevertheless, it looks like the redcoats have Silver and the pirates pinned down, when Berringer calls for reinforcements stationed on the rooftops. In the nick of time Billy Bones and his men show up, and they fire at the men on the rooftops. Outnumbered, the Redcoats are steadily driven back towards the Governor's Mansion. Israel Hands spots Berringer and cuts his way towards him. After a short duel, Hands has Berringer under his knife. He looks to Silver for the go ahead, before slitting Berringer’s throat[3].
After the Fall of Nassau, Rawls and some other civilians flee Nassau in a skiff, heading for open water. They are met by Governor Rogers and the Revenge, returning after defeating Edward Teach. Rawls informs Rogers that the pirates have killed Captain Berringer and reclaimed Nassau Town. Rogers then orders Lieutenant Kendrick to take the Lion, which they are towing behind them, to Port Royal so the pirates held prisoner in the hold can be hanged. Kendrick balks, wanting to participate in the fight to avenge Berringer, but Rogers insists[4].
After the Spanish sack Nassau at Rogers's behest, Max escapes on the Walrus, much to the anger of Flint and Rackham. However, Featherstone reassures her that he remembers what she did for him and Idelle when she stood up to Captain Berringer and refused to hand them in[5].
After arriving in Philadelphia, Jack Rackham and Featherstone go ashore. Featherstone tells Jack that Max will not betray them, telling him about how she stood up to Berringer under the threat of death. Featherstone adds that she has not crossed anyone who has not already crossed her[6].
Captain Berringer cares greatly for each and every one of his men, and takes the slaughter and mutilation of his redcoats on Maroon Island very hard. He becomes consumed by revenge, leading a mutiny against orders from the Crown to remain in the Bahamas to continue to fight the pirates and Maroons. Berringer has no qualms about using brute force and intimidation against the pirates or their suspected sympathizers. He encourages Woodes Rogers to react to pirate savagery with savagery of his own. He has no tolerance for even the slightest perceived sympathy or allegiance to the pirates. He also has a wife and son who he misses greatly, often looking at their pictures in his locket in private moments. However, he feels as if his conflict with the pirates is more important than his duty to his family or the King. In battle, Berringer is a tenacious fighter and seasoned commander. During his final battle, he bravely attempted to rally his troops, even in the face of the overwhelming odds against them.
"You don't remember me, do you? I was there that day in the forest, when your trap was sprung. I saw what your people did to my men. I was told that after the fact, the children of the camp... were encouraged to remove the ears from men I called friends. Trophies to mark the victory. We that remain do so in violation of our orders to return home, a breach of our duty to His Majesty's Army. Someday, if we see England again, I imagine we'll have to answer for it. Hold him. But some things are more important than duty." - Berringer to De Groot before cutting off his ear in XXIX.
- Actor Chris Larkin (nee. Stephens) is the eldest son of Dame Maggie Smith. Toby Stephens, who co-stars as Captain Flint, is his younger brother.
- Larkin has previously portrayed a Royal Marines Captain in the film Master & Commander: The Far Side of the World.
- Many fans have compared Berringer to Ned Low in the sense that both are odious characters introduced in the season premiere and then dispatched in the third episode.