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Black Sails Wiki
Big Conspirator
Big Conspirator pro
Vital statistics
Title Pirate
Gender Male
Status Alive
Ships Spanish Man O' War
Relationships Benjamin Hornigold (captain; deceased)
Appearances First: XV.

Last: XVII. (uncredited)

Portrayed by Riaz Solker

The Big Conspirator is a pirate and a member of the combined Walrus -Royal Lion crew under the command of Captains James Flint and Benjamin Hornigold


Season Two[]

The Big Conspirator was a member of the crew of the Royal Lion who followed Captain Benjamin Hornigold in combining their crew with those of the Walrus in order to expel Charles Vane and his men from Fort Nassau and then return to Florida and capture the Urca de Lima gold. Hornigold called for an election over the combined crew of 107 men after Flint reneged on the deal. During the election, Hornigold warns the men that Flint will always betray them, as he did Gates and Hornigold. He also tells them that Flint will always make grand promises about the future in order to distract them from his misdeeds.  After the pirates receive the news that the Urca gold has been recovered by the Spanish, John Silver speaks for Flint and tells them that Flint is the only one offering them a way towards legitimacy and survival. The crew then overwhelmingly votes in Flint’s favor. 

Dufresne thinks Flint’s plan is madness, and tells Billy Bones that they have to take the deal Captain Hume offered, where if they deliver Flint to the Royal Navy garrison on Harbour Island, Billy and 9 men of his choosing will receive pardons. Billy is hesitant, but Dufresne tells him that they can at least save eight of their brothers. Billy agrees and tells Dufresne to gather them men who’ll be willing to help capture Flint and to meet at the bluffs in an hour. 

Dufresne gathers the eight men as instructed, which includes the Big Conspirator. When Billy arrives, Dufresne tells him that they staggered their departures so as to not arouse suspicion before asking if Billy procured the skiff. Dufresne then notices someone coming before a large number of men from the Walrus crew arrive. Billy then asks them if they have ever been tortured, and when Dufresne asks what he means he clarifies and asks if he has ever suffered pain applied by men who saw him as less than a man. Billy explains that the worst part about it isn't the pain or the fear of future pain, but the knowledge that in some way, you have been changed by the ordeal. Billy tells them that he said what he said to Hume to escape, but he would fight to the death to make sure that no brother of his suffered what he did. He tells them Dufresne has identified them as men who would be willing to allow that to happen, and asks them if Dufresne was right. 

The Big Conspirator then walks up to Billy and tells him that he does not appreciate this deception. Billy then hits him several times, knocking him to the ground. The Big Conspirator is helped back up by his compatriots while Billy tells them that they are expelled from the crew, and going forward there will be no dissent against Flint, nor subversion of his plans[1]

Dufresne then finds Hornigold preparing to leave Nassau, and together with him and the eight defectors, they go to the Barlow Estate, where they kill Babatunde and kidnap Eleanor Guthrie. They then bring her to Captain Hume on Harbour Island, and receive ten pardons as a reward[2].  


"Don't appreciate being fucked with, Billy. If you ain't got the balls to stand up to Flint, maybe you..." - The Big Conspirator to Billy Bones in XV.


