Black Sails Wiki
Black Sails Wiki
Boy pro
Vital statistics
Title Child
Gender Male
Status Alive
Ships None
Relationships None
Appearances Only: XIII.
Portrayed by Jake Maisel

The Boy is a citizen of Nassau.


Season Two[]

During the Assault on Fort Nassau, many citizens of Nassau go to the Inn for both shelter and food and drink. The boy is posted on the roof in order to relay information to the crowd in the courtyard below.

As the battle goes on, one man shouts up to the Boy, asking for an update. The Boy shouts back that Leeward Tower lost another ten foot of its wall, and that the dust is still clearing.


"What do you see, lad?"

"Leeward tower just lost another 10 foot of her wall. The dust is still clearing."

- A man and the Boy in XIII.

