Black Sails Wiki

Bread is a staple food made from dough of  flour, water and yeast  or another type of leavening agent. It is one one of the oldest man-made foods. 


Season One[]

Miranda Barlow serves Richard Guthrie a meal of salted meat, cornbread and broth while he convalesces in her estate.

Platters of bread and fruit are often put out for the patrons of The Inn and The Tavern.

Season Two[]

Abigail Ashe is given a piece of bread to eat during her captivity in Fort Nassau by Charles Vane’s men. However, when she awakes, she finds it is riddled with maggots. She steels herself and eats it anyway. 

While having sex, Charles Vane and Eleanor Guthrie knock a plate with two loaves of bread off a table in his bedchamber. 

In a flashback to 1705, a basket of bread is served at the dinner in the Hamilton Residence with the Hamilton Family and Lieutenant James McGraw

After Richard Guthrie is found killed in Fort Nassau, Max brings a basket of bread and fruits from the Inn to his daughter Eleanor to offer condolences. 

Eme takes a loaf of bread out of the oven in The Tavern once Abigail Ashe is brought there by Eleanor Guthrie.

Bread is served with dinner aboard the Walrus

Bread is served during the dinner between Lord Peter Ashe, his daughter Abigail, Captain James Flint and Miranda Barlow. 

Season Three[]

While Jack Rackham sits in his prison cell in Fort Nassau, a rat arrives and begins to nibble on a piece of leftover bread. Rackham then begins to wax poetic about striving for more in life to the rat. He tells the rat: “today the crumbs, tomorrow the loaf, perhaps some day the whole damn boulangerie.”

Pastor Lambrick approaches Charles Vane before his execution to offer him a chance to repent before his death. He brings with him a piece of bread as a last meal. 

Season Four[]

Bread and meat are served during dinner aboard the Walrus as the ship sails to Skeleton Island

While healing from her injuries in Philadelphia, Anne Bonny attempts to cut herself a piece of bread. However, due to the injuries to her hands she is unable and drops the knife. Idelle then arrives, and after speaking with Anne, cuts her a piece of bread and leaves. 


External Links[]

WP favicon Bread on Wikipedia
