Black Sails Wiki
Lieutenant Burrell
Vital statistics
Title Lieutenant
Gender Male
Status Deceased
Ships Woodes Rogers' Second Fleet
Relationships Woodes Rogers (superior)
Berringer (superior; deceased)
Appearances First: XXIX.
Last: XXXII.
Portrayed by Milton Schorr

Lieutenant Burrell was one of the redcoats under the command of Governor Woodes Rogers and Captain Berringer. He was one of their trusted officers.


Background []

Lieutenant Burrell was one of the 700 British Regulars sent to aid Governor Woodes Rogers in establishing himself in Nassau. Under Berringer's lead, Burrell mutinied after being ordered to return home to England due to the war with Spain. Burrell did so because he wanted revenge for his fellow redcoats who were killed in the jungle ambush at the Maroon Island[1].

Season Four[]

Burrell is among the Redcoats securing the town square in Nassau after the pirate invasion is repelled. He is joined by his superiors, Governor Rogers and Captain Berringer, and then by his colleague Lieutenant Kendrick. Kendrick brings with him nine pirate prisoners captured on the island, including De Groot, Dr. Howell andColin. After De Groot refuses to divulge any information about Flint's plans, Berringer removes one of De Groot's ears, and hands it to Burrell[1]

Burrell is among the redcoat escort of Woodes and Eleanor Rogers when they find the sloop Teach festooned with the corpses of executed Redcoat prisoners and drifted into the harbor. He is left behind in Nassau with Berringer and Utley while Rogers draws Teach from his position blockading the harbor[2].

Burrell leads the Redcoats who arrest Max after Berringer hears of her meeting with Silver. He brings her to the Tavern, where Berringer tries to interrogate her, but she refuses to divulge the names of her contacts in the Resistance[3].

After the pirates and townspeople launch a successful invasion of Nassau, he leads Eleanor's escort out of town. He defends her, dispatching several pirates and loading her and some civilians on a wagon. However, as the wagon makes its way to the fort, he is shot in the back and killed before the rest of the redcoats guarding Eleanor are also killed by the pirates[4]


"Come on, protect the lady!" Burrell ordering the Redcoats to protect Eleanor Guthrie



  • Milton Schorr also appeared in Tomb Raider with Andrian Mazive (Kofi), they both portray mercenaries.


Season Four

