Black Sails Wiki
Black Sails Wiki
Vital statistics
Title Warehouse Manager
Gender Male
Status Alive
Ships None
Relationships None
Appearances Mentioned in: VIII.
Portrayed by N/A

Clay is the warehouse manager at the harbor of a city in British America.


Season One[]

Before Geoffrey Lawrence embarks on the maiden voyage of the Consortium, Eleanor Guthrie hands him his true manifest, false manifest and bribe money. Frasier says that they should go over the details one more time. Lawrence tiredly replies that the harbormaster is Singer, the foreman Smith, the warehouse manager is Clay and the customs man is Kent. Lawrence then warns them that if he doesn’t depart soon, the goods in his hold will be rotten by the time he arrives.

Season Two[]

When Lawrence returns from his voyage, which yielded a disappointing amount of money. Eleanor is surprised by the fact that they were shortchanged, and Lawrence explains that her family name is now held in low regard.


"The harbormaster's name is Singer. The foreman's name is Smith. The warehouse manager's Clay, and the customs man is Kent. Now if you don't let me board my ship and leave this place, none of it will matter as the goods in my hold will be rotten by the time I arrive."- Lawrence to the Consortium in VIII.
