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Black Sails Wiki
David Hudson
David Hudson
Vital statistics
Title None
Gender Male
Status Alive
Ships None
Relationships Mrs. Hudson (mother)


Appearances First: XXIV.


Portrayed by Unknown

David Hudson is the five year old son of Mrs. Hudson. His birthday is on the 24th of a winter month.



While their mother worked as a chambermaid for celebrity Woodes Rogers, and often came home late after the children had fallen asleep. One night, when the girls and their brother David were fast asleep, Mrs. Hudson found a man named Juan Antonio Grandal standing over them with a knife in one hand and a purse in the other. Grandal told her that her children would receive something from him that night, and she could choose which. She took the money, and began spying on Rogers for the Casa de Contratación[1].

Season Three[]

Mrs. Hudson travels to the Bahamas with Governor Woodes Rogers, leaving her daughters and David behind in London[2].

After Governor Woodes Rogers and Eleanor Guthrie ponder taking Max's bribe of her portion of the Urca de Lima gems, Hudson reveals that she is a spy. The next day, she tearfully explains the circumstances in which she entered their service[1].

Season Four[]

As Eleanor Rogers and Mrs. Hudson prepare to depart Nassau for Philadelphia, Hudson tells Eleanor that it is David's birthday and he is turning five. She then asks that once they reach Philadelphia, if she could be released from the Rogers' service and go home to London and be with her children[3].

After Rogers' defeat at the Battle at Skeleton Island, Hudson is able to go home to London and reunite with David and his sisters. One night, she reads to them from A General History of the Pyrates as they fall asleep[4].

