Black Sails Wiki
Vital statistics
Gender Male
Status Presumed Dead
Ships Walrus
Relationships Crisp (friend; deceased)
Appearances First appearance: IV.

Last appearance: VIII.

Portrayed by Geoff Kukard

Froom was a pirate aboard the Walrus under Captain Flint's command.


Season One[]

Froom, like the rest of the crew, is present at the election of Billy Bones as the new quartermaster, and the vote in his favor is unanimous. Billy then tells the crew that they will be careening the Walrus. While Billy goes over details, Froom asks about a "fuck tent." Billy moves on and has De Groot voice his concerns about the anchorage chosen by Flint. Despite De Groot's misgivings, the crew decides to side with Flint, who says that time is of the essence if they want to catch the Urca. Afterwards, Froom brings up the issue of the tent again. Billy explains to the crew that this job needs to happen quickly and they all need to be focused. Billy asks if just this once, they can not have the tent, but is overruled. 

While the hull of the Walrus is being cleaned, Froom and Crisp are tasked in securing the ship by tying the ship to some palm trees. They are both soon scolded by Billy Bones because the trees they are using are to close to the ship and will not provide the needed support. Instead of fixing their mistake, they leave the ropes and go to seek some time with the prostitutes. Their laziness causes the ship to tip over, resulting in the death of Morley and Randall losing a leg. Despite the two being responsible, no punishment is seen or referenced.

As Froom has not been seen since the battle with the Spanish Man O' War, it is assumed that he likely died during the battle.
