Black Sails Wiki
Vital statistics
Gender Male
Status Deceased (killed by Anne Bonny)
Ships Ranger
Relationships Charles Vane (Captain)

Anne Bonny (Rival)

Appearances First: III.
Last: VI.
Portrayed by Neels Clasen

Hamund was a pirate who served on the Ranger under Charles Vane.


Season One[]

After the events at the The Wrecks, Hamund and several other crew members confronted Jack Rackham on his loss of the black pearls. While Rackham tried to get them to calm down, they told him to make it right. After Vane captured Max, Hamund, as well as many other members of the crew, used her as they wanted, and were unafraid to hold back their mistreatment of her. When Rackham and Anne Bonny attempted to take Max out and sneak her off the island, they were stopped by Hamund and his gang. They informed them that it was up to the crew to decide when Max would leave, and they then took Max and proceeded to rape her right in the street. They only stopped when Eleanor knocked them off of Max. an enraged Eleanor blacklisted Vane and declared that anybody who stayed with him would also be blacklisted. Hamund was one of the few who stayed[1].

Hamund only became more violent with Max, who went into Vane's services to pay back the debt (the lost pearls) she felt she was involved in losing. While several members of the crew became more gentle with Max, Hamund ignored her pleas[2].

In order to gain an income for the remains for their crew, Jack, Anne and Vane take ownership of the Inn. After the news spreads that the Guthries' business has collapsed, Hamund and the rest of the men return to the Inn and celebrate, and ask Jack to find them a ship. Jack warns them not to underestimate Eleanor, and advises that they bide their time and keep a low profile. Displeased, Hamund and the rest of the men go to the Tavern where they try and taunt Eleanor, but are kept outside by O'Malley. Eleanor attempts to ignore them, but as they leave Hamund calls out that they are going to "visit" Max[3].

Anne Bonny became more and more angry with his treatment of Max, but was unable to directly confront him as she would end up having to face Hamund as well as the rest of the crew without any help, so she went to Eleanor to set up a way to kill Hamund. Eleanor sent John Silver who told Hamund that he was Max's partner and wanted to sell the information he gave Flint to Hamund. Hamund became furious, and told him that its because of this plan that Rackham ended up losing all the pearls. Silver told him that Rackham gave half the pearls to Max upfront and kept the rest. This infuriated Hamund and went after Bonny and Rackham. Anne told Humund  that the pearls were hidden at the wrecks. Once they arrived, they were lead into an ambush. The entire crew, save for Rackham and Anne),were killed, with Hamund being the last, killed by Bonny personally with a stab to the gut[4]

When Vane returns, he is told by Mrs. Mapleton that Jack and Anne killed the last members of their crew. As punishment, he puts a black mark on Jack and Anne, telling them that the entire island will know what they did, and they will never sail beneath the Black again[5].

Season Two[]

After Max seduces Anne Bonny, Rackham confronts her over it in the market. Max says that she is merely relieving the cause of Anne's frustration, which Jack says was because Max crossed Eleanor Guthrie. Max asks if he really believes that, and whether or not Anne has been acting strange for far longer, glibly remarking that were Hamund present, he would be able to testify on the subject[6].

As part of a deal with MaxCharles Vane agrees to repair the reputations of Jack and Anne. He meets them in the common room of the Inn, and tells them that he is there to perform a public display of reconciliation with them to allow them to sail again. He offers them drinks and offers a toast to Hamund, saying "we hardly knew ye." He then stands up and hugs Jack[7].

The crew of the Colonial Dawn forces Jack to choose between granting Max or Anne a share of the profits, believing Anne to be the main culprit responsible for the "Mr. Hamund situation," forcing Jack to temporarily exclude her from the crew[8].


By Hamund[]

"This ain't no joke, Jack. 5,000 pesos of our money is gone and someone's got to answer for it."

- Hamund to Jack Rackham in III.

"It's a rough world out there, isn't it? Someone opens their mouth, you can lose everything. Tell me, lass... how's it feel?"

- Hamund mocking Eleanor Guthrie in V.

About Hamund[]

"To Mr. Hamund. We hardly knew ye."

- Charles Vane to Jack Rackham and Anne Bonny in XI.



Season One

