"Calico" Jack Rackham
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Vital statistics | |
Title | Officer (formerly) Quartermaster (formerly) Captain |
Gender | Male |
Status | Alive |
Ships | Ranger (formerly) Colonial Dawn Lion |
Relationships | Charles Vane (Ex-Captain/Friend; deceased) Anne Bonny (Lover) Max (Partner/Rival/Friend) Featherstone (Quartermaster/Friend) James Flint (Rival/Ally/Friend) Edward Teach (Rival/Ally; deceased) John Silver (Partner) Woodes Rogers (Enemy) |
Appearances | First I. Last: XXXVIII. |
Portrayed by | Toby Schmitz |
Gallery | Jack Rackham gallery |
- "A story is true. A story is untrue. As time extends, it matters less and less. The stories we want to believe, those are the ones that survive, despite upheaval and transition and progress. Those are the stories that shape history."
- ―Jack Rackham[src]
Jack Rackham is a pirate captain who operated in the Bahamas during the early 18th century. He served as the Quartermaster on the pirate ship Ranger. Rackham was the brains behind Captain Vane's brawn, and in some ways even more dangerous than him. Then he moved on and became the captain of the pirate ship, Colonial Dawn. Thanks to John Silver and Max, he learned the location of the Urca gold, and he and his pirates successfully brought it to Nassau.
At the end of the series, he survives the final battle, defeating Woodes Rogers, prefering to have humiliated him, instead of killing him, to avenge Charles Vane and Edward Teach, and is reunited with Anne Bonny.
John "Jack" Rackham was born in Leeds in northern England, the son of a successful tailor specialising in cotton calico. His father’s business went bankrupt, when corrupt competitors in the wool industry placed an embargo on importing fine cotton. In shame his father descended into drink and died. Shortly after the funeral, a man visited Jack claiming to hold debts belonging to his father. Rackham was forced to flee to escape the debtors-workhouse[1].
Rackham's Razor[]
Jack eventually joined the Royal Navy, and received a prestigious posting on the HMS St. George as a commissioned officer. After one voyage, he was demoted and transferred to the Sovereign, which had to return to port to deal with a mutiny that Jack had started. From there, he was moved to the Humber, which transferred him to another ship mid-voyage. On that ship, he quickly ran afoul of a notoriously mean officer, Coker, by beating him at a game of gin rummy, which Coker believed was rigged. After the ship returned to London, Jack was transferred yet again to the HMS Carcass, a ship tasked with ferrying Redcoats to the Bahamas to deal with the increasing problems with pirates and the Spanish.
At James Bonny's Inn, Jack sits down to have a drink with a friend from his most recent posting, Mr. Neville. Neville talks about the latter’s various postings and demotions as a result of his actions. As they talk, Jack asks the owner of the tavern for another round of drinks, and the owner orders a young girl to fetch the drinks for the customers, threatening her with physical violence. Neville asks Rackham if he thinks he can get away with his unique sideburns, and Rackham glibly replies he hopes his new captain will find them jaunty. Neville warns him that his new captain whips men to death for blasphemy. The girl, Anne, then brings the men their drinks, and Rackham tips her.
Coker then arrives with an officer of the British Army. Coker orders Jack to pull his sword out of his scabbard, and when he refuses, Coker takes it and calls it the blade of a coward who has never killed. Coker proceeds to snap the blade over his knee, and draws his own sword and taunts Jack by sticking the point in front of his face.
Rackham asks Coker if he wants to win back his losses. Coker accuses Rackham of being a cheat, which Rackham denies. Coker and Pursy sit down with Rackham and Neville, and Pursy introduces himself and is far more friendly than his colleague. Coker demands that they use his cards, to prevent Jack from cheating. They begin playing the game “Find the Jack” which Jack finds amusing. Jack tries to engage Pursy in conversation, asking him what the news in town is, jokingly asking who they’re at war with. Coker orders Jack to be quiet, which Jack retorts that it is a boring game if they can’t cheat. Coker says that one can discern a cheat because no one is truly good at dice. Jack counters that there are many things someone can shave that aren’t dice. Pursy then tells an unsavory story about a prostitute that he knew that could spit dice from several “places” that could land on numbers on request, the veracity of which Coker doubts before Pursy and Neville fold. Coker then asks Jack what he has and Jack folds.
Jack leaves under the pretense of urinating into the river, but in truth inspects his cards. He has two Jack of Hearts, revealing that he is in fact cheating. While out there, Anne tells him that Pursy is only drinking water.
When Jack returns, he poses a question to the table. He says they all know Queen Anne’s government has more spies than taxes. He says it is likely that said spy could be found at the docks to meet a returning naval ship. Said spy could usually be found hanging around the brighter officers in alehouses. Coker tells him to shut up and even Neville tells Jack to move the game along. Jack then says it is a mystery how spies get away with looking like spies, and asks if they are so great in number they have stopped trying to be clandestine. Jack then notices that Pursy’s cup is empty and tries to poor him another drink but Coker slaps the cup out of his hands. Jack continues to speak, saying that when a spy spends more time abroad, throwing out the example of Amsterdam, under the employ of the British government, does there come a day when he when there is no possibility that he is even slightly aligned with the British Empire. Pursy then departs with a curt “good evening.” Jack then folds, allowing Coker to win the game.
That night, James beats Anne, and when she says that the coin she was tipped was hers, James declares that everything in the tavern is his, including her. Jack then comes up behind James and cuts his throat with a razor. Jack then goes upstairs to Coker’s room while he is asleep for an unknown purpose. He and Anne then leave the tavern, and Jack advises Anne to go to Christ’s Hospital and claim that she has had visions. After laying low for a week, she should he’d to a tavern that offers work in exchange for room and board. He recommends the Golden Fleece in Bristol, and tells her to ask for Mignon, the Creole. He then gives her some money for her journeys.
She then asks where he is going, and he tells her he sails on the Carcass in the morning for trouble in the Bahamas. However, he doesn’t plan on staying on the Carcass. He says that there is a particular pirate in that area, and while he may be a savage, even savages need partners. Jack says he would bring her along but she would need to be invisible. As he says this, she shows her skill at staying hidden.
Anne then asks why he didn’t play the card and if he killed Coker. Jack explains that most decisions in life can be whittled down to two options, the thing most likely to be done and the other. It is then revealed that Jack planted his bloody razor in Coker’s hand, as well as the jack that Jack didn’t play pinned to the wall by his broken sword. Coker is arrested that morning for the murder of James Bonny. Jack then takes a hat from a sleeping vagrant and gives it to Anne. They then walk along the docks, and Jack asks Anne if she has ever tried pineapple, and tells her it is going to change her life[2].
Rackham the Pirate[]
The two would then become constant companions and lovers before they joined the pirate crew of Charles Vane sometime after arriving in Nassau. Eventually, Jack became quartermaster of the Ranger[3].
Season One[]
Rackham observes Gates leaving Mosiah's house. He then meets Singleton at the Tavern, whom he notes is in a festive mood. Rackham says that he had hoped to have a toast to Singleton's coronation as new Captain of the Walrus, but now he is not so sure it will happen, informing Singleton about the meeting between Mosiah and Gates. Singleton then confronts Mosiah about whether he and his fellow Africans would vote for him. When Mosiah announced his intention to vote for Captain Flint, Rackham, Vane, and Rackham's lover, Anne Bonny, make reveal their presence. Anne kills Mosiah's bodyguard Levi, who moved forward to defend Mosiah. Vane then kills Mosiah, whom Jack buries in a shallow grave. The three then return to the Inn, where Anne observes that Vane is pleased with himself. Jack says he should be, as with Singleton now likely to win the captaincy vote against Flint, he will be such a poor captain that the ranks of the Ranger Crew will be filled with talented defectors from the Walrus. Anne points out that this was all his plan, and Rackham says they all have their roles to play. Anne then invites Jack to have sex with her, but before they leave Eleanor Guthrie arrives. Having learned that Vane was responsible for Mosiah's death, she finds him and punches him, prompting him to respond in kind, shocking everyone. The next morning, Rackham is approached by Max, a local prostitute, who tells him that she has something he might want to buy[3].
To finance the purchase of the schedule of the treasure galleon, Urca de Lima, Rackham borrows 5,000 pesos worth of black pearls from the crew's prize money to pay for the schedule. Vane is suspicious of the deal, and thinks they are being duped. Rackham says that without leads from Eleanor, with whom their relationship has been poor lately, they need something for the crew. Vane tells him to fetch him when Singleton arrives and the deal is done before leaving. Anne asks what Vane's problem is, and Jack wryly remarks that Vane thought Flint was the one thing standing in the way of his being crowned king.
Later that day, Rackham meets with Max in her room in the Inn to go through with the deal, with Anne standing guard outside. After Frasier appraises the value of the pearls for Max, Max tells him that her partner will exchange the schedule for the pearls at the Wrecks at sundown. However, Vane barges in and says that Max is lying and Flint has the schedule, having taken it off Singleton's body. Max says her partner has the page, not Singleton. Vane, still believing her to be lying, attacks her and begins choking her. Jack believes that Flint is lying about the page in order to shore up his position, but Vane still believes Max is trying to con them and hide behind Eleanor. Jack notices Max signaling to a peephole in the wall, and quietly walks over and shoves his dagger through it. He then runs to the next room and finds blood on the blade, proving that Max's partner is not Singleton. Before departing, Vane tells Max that if Jack is wrong, he'll answer to the crew, and if she is lying, she'll answer to him. The two arrive at The Wrecks at nightfall, and are met by an Old Man, who says that they are to give him the pearls. Vane kills him and demands that the seller reveal himself. However, he sends another Old Man to get the pearls from them. However, Flint and Billy Bones arrive and begin chasing John Silver, a new crew mate and Max's true partner. Vane and Rackham join the chase. Eventually, Rackham believes he has cornered Silver near a fire, but grabs what turns out to be a rotting corpse, causing him to walk backwards and fall from the cliff edge into the ocean, losing the pearls in the process[4].
After the loss of much of the crew's money, Rackham is threatened by members of the Ranger crew led by Hamund, who demanded that he replace the lost money. Rackham responds by telling them that he is just as disappointed as they are and if they are so sure that his value to them is exhausted that they should elect another quartermaster. Desperately looking for some way to redeem himself, Rackham approaches Gates, the quartermaster of the Walrus, to let the Ranger act in tandem with the Walrus in the search for the treasure galleon. Gates is immediately skeptical and calls Rackham out for his obvious desperation, stating that he knows about Rackham and the lost pearls. Rackham then begins to plant a seed of doubt into Gates about Gates' looming captaincy. He questions whether Gates is too old for such a job; what if he oversleeps or hurts his bum knee. Rackham then goes to Vane about acting as Flint's consort. When Vane expresses reluctance, Rackham explains to him that since Eleanor is backing the expedition, were Vane to participate and help it succeed, it might get him back in Eleanor's good graces. Furthermore, he has already told the crew, who agree with the plan.
Rackham, Vane, Gates and Flint hold a meeting in the Tavern overseen by Eleanor. As the quartermasters begin negotiating, Flint immediately interrupts and demands recompense for the deaths of Mosiah and Levi. After Gates pulls Flint aside twice to order him to behave, he and Rackham haggle and eventually come to terms for the Ranger to serve as consort. However, after all is done Jack demands that Richard serve as the deal's guarantor, for he is more impartial than Eleanor. Eleanor says her father does not know about this venture but promises to uphold the terms of the deal. Jack tries to use this as an opportunity to renegotiate for more favorable terms, but Vane shuts him down and accepts the deal.
As they walk back to their campsite, Jack points out one more piece of unfinished business that they need to take care of. They then arrive at a wooden shack where Max has been held captive and raped repeatedly by the men of the crew after attempting to sneak out of Nassau. Vane orders Rackham to put her on a boat after dark. Jack thinks they should just kill her, but Vane assures him that she won't return. That night, as he is attempting to escort Max to a boat, he is intercepted by Hamund and other Ranger crew members. Hamund states that even though it was Vane who brought her here, they will decide when they are through with her. Hamund begins assaulting her in the street, and Jack rushes to Vane's tent, only to find him with Eleanor. They rush to the scene and Eleanor attacks Hamund. Eleanor quickly realizes that Vane was behind Max's brutal treatment. She makes a public declaration to the Ranger's crew that she will not sell any food, supply any whores, or buy any goods from any of them unless they join Captain Flint's crew and grant him use of their ship. Most of the Ranger crew members walk over and stand next to Flint, leaving Vane with Jack, Anne, Hamund, and a paltry handful of men. However, Max refuses to go with Eleanor, instead staying with Vane to repay the debt of their lost money[5].
Following the loss of his ship and crew, Vane fell into a deep depression that Rackham could not sway. After a week, Rackham tells Vane to stop picking fights and using opium and get himself together because Rackham is tired of trying to recover what they have lost just by himself. Rackham attemptsto get a fellow pirate, Gruenwald, to sell Rackham's goods to Eleanor as if they were his own. Gruenwald tells him that he can't take the risk of Eleanor finding out and ruining him like she ruined Vane. Gruenwald tells Rackham Eleanor doesn't have a problem with him and that he should just find his own ship to command and branch off from Vane. When Bonny agrees with this, Rackham explains that he hasn't gotten any offers from other crews to come aboard. They are then confronted by Noonan, who runs the brothel. Noonan blames Rackham for taking away his best whore, Max, and insinuates that he is thinking about stealing her back. A defiant Bonny encourages Noonan to do it. When Rackham confronts Bonny about her encouraging Noonan to move against them, she storms away[6].
After Vane kills Noonan, who attempted to ambush him, Jack formulates a plan for them to take over The Inn in order to provide them and their crew with an income. Jack approaches Mrs. Mapleton and hands her an obviously forged bill of transfer from Noonan giving Vane the brothel. Rackham tells a dubious Mapleton that Noonan sold them the brothel and has fled to Port Royal. Mapleton immediately sniffs out that this is a deception but turns it to her advantage, asking for a raise in exchange for her silence on the matter. When Mapleton tells Rackham that she currently makes 3 percent of the gross, Rackham tells her that he'll give her 40. After Richard Guthrie announces that there is a warrant out for his arrest and his family would no longer be able to sell the pirates' cargo, Hamund arrives, declaring that Eleanor Guthrie is finished and now that they are rid of her, Rackham needs to find them a ship. Rackham suggests that they exercise caution, being that Hornigold is apparently still backing her. This doesn't sit well with Hamund and he storms off to go attack Eleanor. Bonny offers to kill Hamund but Rackham tells her that they can't go around killing the few men they still have left that are loyal to Vane. Rackham tells Bonny to get Mrs. Mapleton out to the beach to check on Max. Jack hears that Vane is trying to leave and requested a skiff, Jack asks him where he is going, and points out that he is hearing rumors that they soon may be able to hunt again. Charles cryptically says that there problem isn't in the Tavern and walks away, leaving Jack dumbfounded[7].
That night, Hamund joyously returns to the beach with the news that Eleanor Guthrie has submitted to Captain Benjamin Hornigold's demand to remove the ban from their crew. As he and his friends approach Max's tent, Anne Bonny stands in their path. After a confrontation, Jack Rackham attempts to dissuade Anne from defending Max again. Anne regretfully agrees to stand down, and Hamund enters the tent again, presumably to rape Max. Later that night, Hamund and his men barge in on Jack and Anne in bed together. Hamund says they've just learned that Jack gave half of the pearls to Max in advance, and accuses them of having stolen them off of Max after Anne captured her. Jack denies the accusation, but Hamund reveals that they found several pearls in his tent. Hamund demands to know where the rest are, and Anne says they are buried in the Wrecks. As Anne leads the crew to the Wrecks, Rackham comes alongside her and quietly tells her that he knows this must be an ambush of some sort. Bonny tells him that she partnered with Eleanor in the endeavor. Rackham begs that Slade be spared because he never laid a hand on Max, and asks why he was not given a say. Anne simply states that he had his say. Within the Wrecks, O'Malley and several other of Eleanor's mercenaries emerge from behind hidden rocks and begin killing the Ranger crew. Hamund tries to limp away but Bonny catches him and stabs him in the gut with her cutlass, killing him. When they return to the brothel, Jack asks Anne that when she and Eleanor plotted this, what Anne said to convince Eleanor that he would not inform the crew as he would feel duty-bound to do of their plot once he learned of it. Anne responds that she said given a choice between them and her, he would choose her[8].
As Jack and Anne have sex, Rackham becomes unable to perform. Anne berates him and Rackham apologizes and explains that he has a lot on his mind, such as having to find a new crew and what he is going to tell Vane once he returns. He is also puzzled by the lack of profit coming in from the brothel. Bonny wonders how a brothel cannot turn a profit in Nassau and tells him to figure it out, leaving the room with Rackham still tied to the bed. Later that day, Jack struggles to fire one of the prostitutes who isn't earning her keep, but she begins crying. Alice then walks up and gives Rackham five gold pieces. Max then appears and asks Alice who she just serviced. Max states that it was Captain Hallendale who she saw leaving Alice's room. Hallindale has a very specific service that he always requests and that he always pays 20 gold pieces. Realizing that she is caught, Alice apologizes to Rackham and states that it will never happen again. Max then berates Rackham and tells him to get his house in order[9].
With the help of Max, Rackham is able to turn the brothel around and bring in steady profits. While they host a night themed "Evenings in Paris" in the midst of a hurricane, Mrs. Mapleton approaches Jack and asks why her pay has been docked. Rackham explains that he ordered that her wages be garnished as a result of her embezzlement. Mapleton refuses to be intimidated and demands her share, threatening to tell the other merchants about Noonan's murder. Rackham then gleefully fires Mrs. Mapleton for "gross insubordination." Max arrives and points out that anyone who might pose a threat is currently receiving large discounts at the brothel. Mrs. Mapleton storms out telling Rackham that he will regret what he has done, and Rackham makes Max the brothel's new Madame. The next morning, Anne barges in on Jack while he is bathing, distraught that he fired Mrs. Mapleton given all the secrets she knows about them. When Rackham says he does not care, Bonny begins to suspect that all of his nonchalance has to do with Max. She suggests that Rackham must have slept with Max. After Rackham denies this, Bonny storms off. As she is leaving the brothel, she spies a naked Max and stops to look. Max catches her staring and smiles at her. Later that day, Jack hears cannon-fire from Fort Nassau and asks a passing Frasier what is going on, and the appraiser grimly tells him that someone has seized the fort.
Vane, who took the fort with a new crew of Baymen, arrives at The Inn. Jack tries to congratulate him, but Vane declares that he has come to decide if Jack will live or die, revealing that he heard about the disappearance of their former crew from Mapleton. Vane then tells Rackham that an offense like the one he has committed deserves an answer. However, Vane decides not to kill Rackham, but rather decides to leave him in charge of the brothel. However, he will tell everyone on the island about how Rackham chose his lover over his crew, condemning Rackham to a lifetime without ever being able to sail beneath the Black, raise a crew or be trusted by another[10].
Season Two[]
Rackham is now a pariah in Nassau, as word has gotten out that he took part in killing members of his own crew, and he is routinely beaten in the streets. When he returns to his brothel after one such beating, Anne Bonny asks what happened. He bemoans to her the fact that he has lost everything that he has worked so hard to build in the past few years as a respected pirate. Later that day, Eleanor arrives for a sit down meeting with Rackham, Bonny, and Max, and wants to know why the Good Fortune was captured by Ned Low's crew and not by Captain Hallendale and his ship, the Straight Arrow, whom she had given the lead. Max admits that she sold that lead to Low for 90 gold pieces. When Eleanor demands to know why Max would subvert her authority like that, Max fires back and states that she doesn't live her life according to what Eleanor thinks. Bonny in incensed that Max is actually such a schemer, figuring that she was just a helpless woman who needed to be saved from pirates. She tells Rackham that Max needs to be put on the streets by the next day or else she will deal with Max in her own way. That night, he and Anne angrily fight over Max's staying in the Inn. Jack leaves the room and tells Max that she has nothing to worry about, but recommends that she avoid Anne[11].
The next day, Jack observes Max tenderly touching Anne. Later, he confronts Max while she is shopping, demanding to know what is going on between her and Bonny. Max implies that Bonny has been secretly in love with her for a while and that that is why Bonny saved Max from the tent. Rackham expresses serious doubt about that and believes that Max is simply trying to drive a wedge between he and Bonny. That night, a restless Anne leaves their room to go see Max. While they are having sex, Jack walks in and pours himself a drink. Rackham tells them both that he has a solution. He states that he intends to get a ship and a crew and use the leads that Max receives to enrich the three of them with equal profit of the spoils[12].
The next morning, Jack wakes up alone, the two remaining in their bedroom. Jack decides to depart on his own and attempt to raise men for a crew himself. However, no one wants to be associated with a "crew killer". Bonny catches up to him, and he confronts her about her relationship with Max. He tells Bonny that it is painfully obvious to him that Max is trying to drive a wedge between him and Bonny. Bonny says that she realizes this but that she can do nothing to stop it. When Rackham and Bonny return to their brothel, they are confronted by Vane, who asks that they sit with him. Vane states his intentions to repair their reputations at Max's behest. Vane then shakes Rackham's hand and gives him a hug that all can see, telling him that now he knows what it is like to rise from the grave. That night, Jack delightedly tells Anne how six men have joined his crew, and soon they can acquire a Piragua, calling it a small start. Bonny then invites him up to Max's room so the three can have sex[13].
Rackham's attempts to raise a crew end in abject failure, due to his reputation. That continues until Max finds out information on a hostage held by a pirate called Ned Low for Charles Vane, in exchange for him forgiving Rackham and Bonny so that they may sail again.
Max continues to demonstrate her shrewdness when she helps manipulate an influential pirate named Featherstone to join Rackham, along with 28 other men and their ship. However, the new crew will not accept both Max and Bonny receiving such a significant share of any future profits. When Rackham tells Bonny she must stay ashore for a while, Bonny storms off. Meanwhile, Flint has returned to Nassau, but Rackham notices that none of Flint’s crew has visited the brothel. Rackham tells Max to find out from him anything she can about the Urca gold.
Out at sea, Rackham and the crew of the Colonial Dawn are following a lead from Max to the True North. Rackham's crew successfully captures the ship, but another pirate ship, the Goliath, pulls up alongside to claim the prize also. A tense negotiation ensues between the captain of the Goliath, Linus Harcourt, and Rackham on how to split of the prize.
Harcourt quickly recognises Rackham’s inexperience as captain, and offers him just 1/10th of the profit. Rackham realises that if he were to accept such paltry terms, his men would vote him out as captain. Instead, Rackham decides to fight Harcourt man-to-man. Despite being truly awful at fighting, Rackham comes out on top thanks to a lucky slash at Harcourt’s throat. Rackham then negotiates more reasonable terms with the new leader of the Goliath crew.
Back in Nassau, Max has learnt that the Urca gold is still on the beach and Rackham immediately begins preparations to retrieve the gold. He also learns that Bonny has left Nassau, and is clearly distraught. Featherstone, Max, and Rackham try to figure out what they are going to do once they actually get the gold back to Nassau. Rackham eventually comes up with the idea of asking Vane to store the gold in the fortress. However, when they go to the fortress they find it empty, except for Richard Guthrie’s corpse.
Meanwhile, Eleanor has figured out what Max and Rackham are up to, and sends men to assassinate them. However, Bonny reappears and saves them, killing both assassins. Taking refuge in the brothel, Max insists that they must leave immediately.
Aboard the Colonial Dawn to retrieve the Urca gold, Rackham and Anne Bonny reconcile; she tells him that she can't be his wife, but they will be partners until they are both dead. The Spanish men on the beach put up an admirable fight, but Rackham’s crew win the day. They return to Nassau with not only the Colonial Dawn but also the salvaged Walrus in order to carry all the gold. They meet Max at the beach, and Rackham tells her he wants to show her something "shiny". He takes her into the hold of one of the ships, revealing the long desired Urca gold. Max smiles in the light of the glittering gold.
Season Three[]
In the months since the end of Season 2, the Urca gold has been split between Rackham, Bonny, Max, Flint, Vane, and their crews. Rackham is in charge of restoring the fort in Nassau, however with the pirates newfound wealth, he cannot get anyone to work. Rackham reluctantly tricks Vane into capturing a slave ship, and using the slaves to rebuild the fort.
Fearing that the Spanish or English will respond overwhelmingly to the theft of the gold, Max tries to persuade Rackham to exchange their gold for pearls, so that it is easier to transport should they need to abandon Nassau. Soon, Blackbeard arrives on the island, and renews his friendship with Vane. Teach is less than impressed at Rackham's status as a partner, because he remembers Rackham as a scrawny crew member. Realising that Blackbeard is a volcano building towards its inevitable eruption, Rackham agrees to Max's plan - as long as it's done quietly.
Soon, news reaches Nassau of the imminent arrival of Woodes Rogers and a fleet, intent of re-establishing English governance. Rackham tries to rally the pirates for the defence of Nassau. However, with the fort unfinished, and their only true navel strategist Flint missing, some of them are resigned to defeat. However, Blackbeard offers to step in and coordinate the pirate fleet.
The pirates fight to save Nassau proves short-lived. Rogers offers all the pirates pardons and most accept. Rackham, Vane, Bonny and their crew are stuck in the fort with men slowly gathering for the bounty on Vane’s head. Rackham is force to acknowledge that the defence of Nassau is over and comes up with a new plan; to destroy a portion of the fort so Vane can escape with Blackbeard’s fleet.
Rackham and Bonny also flee Nassau overland with their share of pearls. However when they are almost clean away, Rackham has a change of heart. He insists he wants to keep his name by going to Nassau to take the pardon.
Unbeknownst to Rackham, Governor Rogers has learned about Rackham and Bonny’s cache of pearls. When Rackham attempts to garner a pardon, he is taken into custody. Rogers warns Rackham that if the pearls are not returned, the Spanish will invade. Rackham eventually agrees to send a letter to Bonny seemingly instructing her to turn over the cache. However, he has secretly given Bonny instructions to take the cache and run. Outside Nassau, Bonny follows Rackham’s orders, and kills the Governor’s messenger.
On learning that Governor Rogers has Rackham in their custody, the Spanish demand that both the gold and the man who stole it are handed over. Rogers eventually tricks Bonny with Max’s help into handing over the cache. He prepares to deliver them to the Spanish, departing Nassau in a convoy accompanied by a large contingent of armed soldiers.
On route to the southern coast, the convoy comes under swift attack from Flint’s men on horseback. After killing all of Rogers’ men in the convoy, Vane shoots the wheel of the carriage sending it careening off the road. Jack is banged up pretty badly, but alive, and he and Anne share a passionate kiss. Vane urges Flint to take the pearls and run ahead, while he frees Rackham from his chains. Rackham and Bonny flee as they spot more of the Governor’s men approaching, however Vane is outnumbered and arrested. Billy Bones is sent back to Nassau to try and stir resentment towards Rogers and rescue Vane.
On the Maroons Island, Rackham and Bonny contemplating the cache of pearls, and how it now represents Vane’s sacrifice. As they prepare for the English fleet to attack the island, Rackham asks Flint to command the Walrus during the battle. Rackham wants to strive to meet Vane’s own ideals and avenge his name.
While Rackham is preparing to attack the overwhelming English fleet, a second fleet appears to the East, which Rackham recognises as Blackbeard’s fleet. He persuades Teach join the fight. While the two fleets engage cannon fire, Bonny leads a boarding party swimming unnoticed to capture one of the English ships. They open fire on the rest of the fleet, forcing them to retreat. The victory may have won Rackham some respect from Teach.
Season Four[]
After their victory on the Maroon Island, Rackham and Bonny sails with Blackbeard as the pirates set their sights on retaking Nassau. What was supposed to be an invasion of overwhelming force, only ends in disaster. Woodes Rogers continues to demonstrate his cunning, sinking ships as a hidden blockade to the harbour. Most of pirate fleet run aground within range of Nassau’s cannons, and bloody carnage ensues. The only ship not caught is Blackbeard’s, which makes a tactical retreat to draw Rogers’ fleet away from the survivors.
Blackbeard’s ship is quickly chased down by the nimble navy sloops. Rackham insists on fighting in the vanguard as they repel the boarders, risking his life to become worthy in Blackbeard’s eyes. In the aftermath, Bonny sets him straight; honour Charles Vane’s sacrifice by doing things his own way. However, Jack is blinded by the stars in his eyes when he stands on the quarterdeck next to Blackbeard; his ego demands he go down in history.
Returning to blockade Nassau port, Blackbeard orders Bonny to sneak into Nassau and kidnap Eleanor, instead of pursing the Governor’s ship which is preparing to sail. However, Bonny confides that she no longer has any room in her heart for vengeance; not on Eleanor, nor on Max. It’s up to Rackham to relay her sentiments to Blackbeard, which he does by eloquently invoking their mutual fondness for Vane; he always focused on the best move to achieve their ultimate goal. Go after Rogers it is.
After raking Rogers’ ship with cannon fire, Blackbeard and Bonny lead the boarding party. Once aboard, something doesn’t feel right and with good reason. Rogers springs his trap and a bloody battle ensues. In the end, the unthinkable happens; Blackbeard is captured. Rackham watches helplessly from aboard The Revenge, and unfurls the white flag. In the aftermath, Jack and Bonny look on as Blackbeard is callously keelhauled three times, dragging him under the ship covered with razor sharp barnacles. Rackham, who was next in line, is only spared by Blackbeard’s defiance to the end.
When Rogers learns that Nassau has fallen, he orders his lieutenant to take his sloop and deliver the pirates to Port Royal to hang. Although he agrees, he’ll dole out a little retribution first by having Mr. Milton bludgeon some of the pirates to death one by one. Eventually, Bonny has had enough, and convinces Jack not to name another pirate, certain she’ll be picked her next. In the bloody brawl that follows, Bonny is almost pummelled to death, but desperately manages to grab the keys, and free her brethren. They take the ship, but Bonny is left barely clinging to life.
Rackham returns to New Providence Island, to learn that Flint has agreed to exchange Nassau Fort for the Urca gold. Jack is horrified; having seen Rogers for the man he truly is, he’ll never accept such a deal. He’s soon proved right, when Max shows up on the beach with news that Rogers has returned with a Spanish Armada. Jack isn’t so happy to see her, but allows Max to join him aboard their ship.
At sea, Featherstone wants to leave before the Spanish spots them, but Rackham opts to wait for anyone who survives the day. They’re eventually joined by Flint, Silver and the other survivors of the sack of Nassau. The two ships plan to head for the Maroon Island and regroup. Max, however, will have her revenge for Eleanor’s death, and convinces Jack to head to Philadelphia to seek help from Eleanor’s grandfather.
Arriving in Philadelphia, Rackham plans to win Joseph Guthrie as a partner in imprisoning Rogers for causing the death of his granddaughter. He tries to appeal to grandpa Guthrie’s business side, saying the Guthries would gain a significant stake in Nassau’s legitimate trading operations. However, Guthrie is in the company his respectable business partners, and shows him the door. Nevertheless, Eleanor’s grandmother meets Jack outside. She’s the real brains behind the Guthrie business, and sees merit in his proposal but will need convincing. Rackham decides to bring Max to help make their case with Marion Guthrie. With the help of Max’s financial ledgers and feminine wiles, they convince her… but there is a catch. Jack Rackham must kill the one man who will continue the never-ending circle of violence in Nassau; James Flint.
In Nassau, Rackham learns that Rogers and Flint are to make the exchange on Skeleton Island. Recruiting an old sailor who once sailed with Avery, Jack makes it to the uncharted island, just as Rogers is leading the attack on the Walrus. After rescuing the survivors, Jack grudgingly allows Flint to take command of the pursuit of Rogers. During the boarding, Rackham spots Rogers through the chaos, and the pair face-off. Rogers seems to be getting the upper hand, when Flint joins the fight. Finally outmatched, Rogers is defeated and the pirates overtake the ship. With Rogers at his mercy, Jack informs him that he will not be keelhauled; instead there’s a far more humiliating end in mind.
In the aftermath, Rackham returns to Philadelphia with word that Captain Flint is no longer a concern; he’s not dead, but retired. Mrs. Guthrie isn’t exactly pleased with the outcome, but Max and Jack assure her that Flint is now not a martyr to the cause. Before the deal is struck, Rackham requests one more favour; to be involved in the writing of an affidavit against the disgraced Governor Rogers.
In the end, Nassau is a legitimate flourishing port under new Governor Augustus Featherstone, although the real power behind the throne is Max. While piracy is officially disapproved of, Rackham and Bonny still covertly sail under the black. Among their crew is a young kid by the name of Mark Read.
Rackham begins the series as the Quartermaster of the Ranger, and the brains behind captain Charles Vane's brawn. He is stylish, witty, well-read, and very proud of his wits, which he takes every opportunity to flaunt. However, Rackham is initially not a very good pirate. He’s not a skilled fighter and his attempts at strategy usually land him in dire situations, his lover Bonny must bail him out of. His foppish appearance and effete mannerisms tend to lead others to underestimate him, and he can’t seem to gain respect. He’s ever fixated on his legacy and a bit obsessed with the adventure he’s invented.
However over the series, he has proved time and again that he is very capable at what he does, culminating in his victory against an overwhelming English fleet at the Maroon Island. It may have even won Rackham some respect from Teach. His captured by Woodes Rogers begins a personal rivalry, in which Rackham asserts that Rogers isn't as morally superior as he seems to think. This is further heightened by Charles Vane's death. In the end Rackham wins out with some help, and deals out a cruel ending to Rogers; instead of killing him, he gets Eleanor's grandmother to buy Rogers' debts and force a default, with all of his failures becoming a matter of public record.
- John "Calico Jack" Rackham was born in England in 1682 to English parents. He first appeared in history as quartermaster on a ship captained by Charles Vane.
- He has a tattoo of a fox on the right side of his abdomen.
- Jack's historical nickname "Calico" is never used in the series, but he mentions that his father dealt with this fabric.
- The phrase "fuck you, Jack" is said at least five times by several characters, such as Charles Vane, Anne Bonny, Noonan and even by Jack himself at one point.
- In Season Two there is a running gag of animal noises being heard while Jack is talking.
- Jack's first scene in both the Season Two and Three premieres is him on a toilet.
- Jack appears in 37 episodes, and is only absent in episode XV.
- Rackham's actor, Toby Schmitz, penned a graphic novel about how Jack and Anne met titled Rackham's Razor.
Memorable Quotes[]
- "Yes, well, we all have our roles to play."
- ―Rackham, I."To be underestimated, It's an incredible gift."
―Rackham, XXVIII.
- "Won't take much to lose that new crew of yours. You may have them fooled now, but at sea, perhaps you'll oversleep the bells and need a few hours. Perhaps you'll be handed the glass and need help where to point it. Perhaps you'll slip and fall, and that knee of yours will finally give out. Perhaps, perhaps, ...perhaps. Of course no one will say anything, they respect you to much for that, but the moment the Urca looms close, and the first shot is fired, and you and me will know what every last man on that crew will really be thinking."
- ―Rackham to Gates, III.
- "I feel compelled to state out loud...LIFE IS SIMPLY TOO FUCKING SHORT!!!"
- ―Rackham, IV.
- "I'll have you know I have slit men's throats while they have wept, begging my forbearance, and slept soundly that very night."
- ―Rackham[src]
- "Would you like to see something shiny?"
- ―Rackham to Max; XVIII.
- "That said, if you're going to behave like children, then I will be your daddy."
- ―Rackham to the crew, XXI.
- "We're all villains in Nassau. Don't think because you're new you're any different."
- ―Rackham tells Rogers a few home truths, XXV.
- "If no Anne, if no rescue, if this is defeat for me, then know this. You and I were neck and neck in this race right till the end. But, Jesus, did I make up a lot of ground to catch you."
- ―Rackham almost had the whole loaf, XXVI.
- "If Charles knew we were even contemplating jeopardizing the grander effort to save him, he’d kill us all."
- ―Rackham convinces Flint not to run to Vane’s rescue, XXVI.
- "If the story of the pirate Jack Rackham is to end with him standing alongside Blackbeard as an equal, together defeating the governor, who hanged Charles Vane and in so doing, restoring pirate rule over Nassau...that is an ending I can live with."
- ―Rackham, XXXI.
- "I watched him defeat Edward Teach, in battle...outnumbered and through sheer force of will, saw his bloodlust with my own eyes. That man will never surrender his position here. He will never allow himself to be defeated by you, or I. Not because we bribed him, not because Eleanor Guthrie told him so. He simply will not allow it to happen. I don’t know where that man went or what designs drew him there. But this I know: Woodes Rogers will be returning. And this fight isn’t nearly over."
- ―Rackham on Rogers, XXXIII.
- "I betrayed you Jack...tried to trade your life for my own personal gain, lied to Anne to her face about it...please, Jack...I beg of you, is there any way you can forgive me? That’s was the general sense of what I thought I might hear, coming from your mouth, were I ever this close to you again."
- ―Rackham to Max, XXXIV.
- "Because what's it all for if it goes unremembered? It's the art that leaves the mark. But to leave it, it must transcend. It must speak for itself. It must be true."
- ―Rackham, XXXVIII.
Image Gallery[]
I. | II. | III. | IV. |
V. | VI. | VII. | VIII. |
IX. | X. | XI. | XII. | XIII. |
XIV. | XV. | XVI. | XVII. | XVIII. |
XIX. | XX. | XXI. | XXII. | XXIII. |