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James Bonny
James Bonny pro
Vital statistics
Title Tavern owner
Gender Male
Status Deceased
Ships None
Relationships Anne Bonny (wife)
Appearances Mentioned in: XV.

Rackham's Razor

Portrayed by N/A

James Bonny was the abusive husband of Anne Bonny and the owner of a tavern on the banks of the River Thames



James married Anne when she was only 13, and would frequently abuse her, hitting, burning and allowing his men to rape her. He also used her as a serving girl in his tavern. Anne would bear permanent scars on her back as a result of James' mistreatment[1].

Rackham's Razor[]

While James serves a customer, Jack Rackham requests another round of drinks for him and Neville. James then shouts at Anne to get them their drinks, threatening to belt her teeth out if she doesn't. In the back room, Anne examines the coin that Jack tipped her and James tells her that she has no right to the coin, and orders her to look at him when he talks to her. Anne objects to his calling her "wench," reminding him her name is Anne. James replies that he does not care, and complains that she was supposed to be his wife, but all she does is skulk around in the shadows and keep secrets. James then hits her, and orders her to stay where he can see her. 

Later that night, James continues beating Anne, asking her why she is "ornery," asking if it was the naval officers in their fancy uniforms. Anne says that the coin was rightfully hers, and James tells her that everything in the tavern is his, including her. As he advances on Anne, he does not notice Rackham approaching him from behind. Jack then cuts James' throat with his razor. He then frames his former superior Coker by placing the bloody razor in his hand while he sleeps[2]

Season Two[]

Anne Bonny confides in Max while she is adrift after being excluded from Jack's new crew that she was married once. She explains that James was horrible to her, striking, burning and allowing his men to rape her. She didn't know any better or that she could do anything about it. One day, James was hurting her in a tavern and a man saw it. That man walked over and cut James' throat. That man was Jack Rackham, and Anne was eternally grateful towards him for saving her, thus beginning their partnership[1].  


By James[]

"Everything in here is mine. Including you." - James Bonny's last words in Rackham's Razor

About James[]

"I was married to a man once. Rotten f*ck... raised his hands at me, burned me, shared me with his men. I didn't know any different, didn't know I could do anything about it. Even if I had, I wouldn't have thought I had it in me. One day, we were in a tavern. He was hurting me. And a man saw it. And he walked over... and he slit his throat. That was Jack."Anne Bonny to Max in XV.


  • In real life, James Bonny was a sailor and small-time pirate who married Anne in order to get access to her father's fortune, but she was summarily disowned by her father. At some point, the couple moved to Nassau. After Woodes Rogers established himself as governor, James worked for him as an informant, which Anne disliked. After she met Rackham, the two tried to persuade James to divorce her, but he refused and threatened to beat her. She then joined Rackham's crew, and the two ran away and began their pirate career. 

