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Vital statistics | |
Gender | Male |
Status | Deceased |
Ships | Walrus |
Relationships | James Flint (captain)
John Silver (quartermaster/friend) |
Appearances | First: I. Last: XX. |
Portrayed by | Richard Wright-Firth |
Muldoon was a Welsh pirate aboard the Walrus under Flint's command, serving as the ship's gunner. As gunner, he was in charge of the upkeep and firing of the ship's cannons.
Season One[]
When Gates approaches Mosiah in order to get him and his men's votes for Flint, Mosiah asks if he and his men will be paid. Gates replies that he used all his money already, saying that paying off Muldoon bought him the Welsh[1].
Muldoon is present at the election of Billy Bones as quartermaster, a unanimous decision by the crew. Billy then says that they will be careening the ship, the only question is where. Muldoon shouts out that they should do it where ever there is plenty of rum. De Groot, the ship's master, then voices his concern that the spot Flint chose is unsuitable for careening, and they should find another. Flint argues that it would take too long if they want to find the Urca. Everyone save for De Groot and Morley vote in favor of Flint's spot.
Muldoon, among the rest of the Walrus's crew, is on the beach cleaning the Walrus of barnacles. He soon begins to complain about John Silver's cooking, telling both Silver and the Captain that it's causing diarrhea. Flint tastes some of the undercooked pork, and tells Muldoon that it cannot be the pig causing his sickness and sends him back to work. During the careening, the ship starts to tip over and Randall's leg is caught underneath. Flint and Morley have to amputate his leg, saving Randall, but Morley is killed when the ship rolls over. The crew is then forced to set sail after the Andromache flees Nassau instead of handing over her twelve pounder cannon, which were promised to the Walrus by Eleanor Guthrie[2].
After a lengthy chase and a fierce battle, the crew is able to board the Andromache, but Bryson and twenty of his men barricade themselves in a bunker belowdecks. The crew plans to breach the Andromache's bunker by lowering Lars, an African crewman covered in soot, into the hold with a smoke grenade. Lars is to get within throwing distance and toss the grenade through a murder-hole. While Bryson and his men choke on the smoke, the vanguard is to then break down the door and finish them off. Muldoon prepares Lars' smoke bomb, and hands it to him with an ignitor, telling him that the wick is fast so he should only light it when he's close to the bunker. Before Lars is lowered, he sees Billy heading towards the great cabin with an igniter, and Muldoon reminds Billy that Flint ordered them not to make any light, lest the nearby HMS Scarborough spot them. Lars is then lowered into the hold by Joshua and Joji and is able to get within throwing distance, but he is shot and killed by Hayes before he can complete his mission.
The crew has a meeting where Gates proposes that four men dangle on ropes and hack their way through the hull into the bunker and throw charges through the hole in order to distract Bryson's crew while the vanguard breaches the door. When no one volunteers, Flint chooses four men, including Logan who challenges the orders as suicidal. Gates knocks Logan out with a punch, reminding the men that the captain's orders are law in battle. At that moment, a crew mate notices a rag sticking out of a hole in the hold, and Flint realizes that it was put there by slaves. The pirates then drop a tool in the hold to break the slaves' shackles and begin hacking and pounding on the deck in rhythm to cover up the noise of the chains. While Billy, Muldoon and others hack at the deck, the slaves free themselves and attack Bryson's men, opening the door from the inside and allowing the vanguard in to finish off the remaining sailors.
The Walrus crew transfers most of the guns to their ship, but an explosive trap is set off, revealing their position to the Scarborough and forcing them to flee the larger warship. During their escape, Billy falls overboard while trying to cut away a piece of debris that was slowing them down after several shots from the Navy ship hit the Walrus[3].
During the voyage to capture the Urca, the ship sails through a hurricane. Logan and Muldoon alert the crew that Captain Gates is coming aboard. They privately wonder what could be so important that Gates is rowing to them in the middle of a hurricane. As they approach Division Bay, Muldoon commands the gun crews as they prepare to take on the Urca de Lima. Flint then informs the crew that they will sail towards the Urca under Spanish colors, but it will likely only buy them a few hundred yards before the galleon opened fire. He warns the crew that it will be the fight of their lives, but on the other side lies paradise. However, no ship is to be found in the bay.

They soon come across the Spanish Man O' War. Flint plans to have the Walrus pose as a Spanish merchant vessel and have the Ranger sail away flying the Black in order to lure the warship between the two ships. The Walrus is to rake the Spanish ship from stern to bow and the Ranger from bow to stern. Before the gun crews can fire however, Dufresne launches his mutiny. He tells the crew of Flint's numerous crimes and shoots him in the shoulder when he attempts to fire a cannon himself. Silver, using the distraction, sneaks to an unattended cannon and fires it at the Spanish Man O' War, which returns fire. Muldoon then commands the gun crews in firing the cannons at the stern of the warship. Despite some initial success, the warship is able to turn its broadsides on the pirate vessels, destroying the Ranger. The Walrus is able to sail away and is beached on the shores of Florida[4].
Season Two[]

Despite half the crew dying in the failed attack on the Spanish Man O' War, Muldoon survived and made it to shore with the the rest of the crew. He is among the crew when Flint addresses them with the plan to leave the gold and instead take the Man O' War. The crew votes in favor of the plan, and Flint and Silver swim aboard the warship and manage to kill the lookout on the mainmast, but both are captured. Before they can be killed, Muldoon and the rest of the crew arrive in longboats and kill the Spanish crew. They set sail with the Spanish Man O' War before the cannons on the beach are able to do any significant damage[5].
While they are sailing back to Nassau, Muldoon walks into the galley and demands that Silver and Randall hurry up with the food. He also tells Randall not to spit in his bowl and everyone knows Randall does this whenever he feels ornery. Muldoon warns Randall that he'll know if his bowl has been spat in. Before he leaves the galley, he calls Silver and Randall curs. He listens with amusement to Silver's attempts at giving the accounts of goings on, and watching Silver get beaten repeatedly, before the sails of a merchant ship are sighted. Dufresne commands them to pursue and board her, successfully doing both.
While Dufresne leads the vanguard aboard, Muldoon stays behind. Things go awry however, when the Merchant Captain realizes that Dufresne is not Flint. He whistles to his men, signaling them to attack the pirates. Dufresne retreats with heavy losses and is indecisive as to what to do for their next move. Flint then steps in and commands the gun crews to sink the merchant vessel, to prevent word from getting out that they were beaten by sailors. The crew acquiesces to Flint's commands, and Muldoon stares in amazement that Flint has regained power. That night, Flint is reelected captain[6].

The Walrus crew listens to Flint's speech against Vane.
As they approach Nassau, Muldoon listens with the rest of the crew to Silver's account of goings on. He is displeased by Silver's announcement that only he and Flint are going ashore, but obeys. That night, he listens to Flint speech to the crew on deck, where Flint tells them that they must get Vane out of the fort before they can return to Florida to claim the gold. The crew combines with the crew of the Royal Lion led by Captain Benjamin Hornigold in order to take the fort[7]. The next day, Muldoon commands the gun crews that blow apart the fort's walls. After a significant breach is made, Flint orders them to cease firing and prepare to go ashore. The crew lands on the beaches of Nassau, led by Flint and Hornigold. The men are instructed to wait on the beach and are expressly forbidden from visiting the brothel, out of fear that the whores might coax the location of the Urca gold out of the pirates[8].

Muldoon tries to dissuade Logan from meeting Charlotte.
While the crew waits for further orders, Muldoon attempts to keep Logan from going to visit his favourite prostitute Charlotte, reminding Logan that they were under orders from Flint not to leave the beach. Logan cannot stand the boredom, and tells Muldoon that either he's going up the hill to have sex with Charlotte, or he's having sex with Muldoon and imagining he's with Charlotte. Muldoon, weighs his options and lets Logan go, telling him to say hello to Charlotte. While waiting on the beach, Muldoon is one of the first to notice that Billy Bones, who was believed dead, is walking through the camp. He and the rest of the crew rush to greet him, overjoyed to see him alive. The crew then gathers in a tent to listen to Billy tell them about his captivity under the Royal Navy. After Dufresne asks him if Flint had a hand in his fall, Billy tells the crew that Flint tried to save him. When Flint returns to camp, he hugs Billy, and calls off the attack on the fort. Hornigold responds by demanding an election. When Silver is doing a head count of the crew for Flint, Muldoon tells him that he'll be a man short, for Logan went to the brothel. When Silver finds Logan dead, he concocts a story where Logan and Charlotte fled together[9].

The Walrus men listen to Silver's speech supporting Flint.
That night, the combined crew of roughly 100 men assembles in the Guthrie Warehouse for the vote. Hornigold gives a speech telling them how Flint is untrustworthy and will betray them all. He tells them that Flint betrayed Gates and himself, and that they'll be next on the list if they vote for Flint. He says all of Flint's promises are smoke and mirrors, and he just lies for his own gains. The crew then overhears that the gold is gone. Flint then sends Silver to speak to the crew on his behalf. Silver commiserates with them, and says he's sure half of them already had that gold spent in their heads. Muldoon asks Silver what he was going to do with the money, and Silver answers he was going to walk away and never look back. Silver says that as pirates, they've only chosen the life they lead out of necessity. He goes on to tell them that Flint has offered them a way out of that life, where they can still be free but no longer have to be outlaws. Muldoon and the vast majority of the crew then vote for Flint. After Flint's victory, Muldoon informs him that Eleanor Guthrie is asking for him in the Tavern[10].
En route to Charles Town, Nicholas falls from the mainmast to the deck, dying as a result of the fall. Muldoon attends the funeral, where Nicholas' body is thrown into the sea. After arriving in Charles Town, Flint, Miranda and Abigail Ashe go ashore while the crew remains on the ship, closely watching the shore[11].
At night, Muldoon and many other members of the crew lounge on deck and listen to music played by some of the other crew members. They are surprised by the crew of Charles Vane, who come over the sides and attack them. Muldoon fights back, along with the rest of the crew, but they are overwhelmed and captured. Muldoon and the rest of the crew are shackled and held prisoner on the main deck. After hearing of Flint's capture and impending execution, Vane decides to remain and rescue Flint instead of leaving with the ship[12].
Vane leaves with half his men, leaving the rest with Jenks on board. Jenks doesn't have the numbers to sail or to fight Charles Town's patrol ships. Vincent tells Yardley that he can give the names of men willing to help him and Jenks sail away. When Yardley leads some men to retrieve Silver, Muldoon and the rest of the crew stand up and begin struggling with Vane's men before Yardley threatens to have them all shot. Silver is interrogated by Jenks for names, but Silver refuses to give any, realizing the rest of the men will simply be killed. After refusing even after Jenks shoots Vincent, he begins breaking Silver's leg with the blunt end of an axe. Meanwhile, the keys to the shackles were secretly stolen and the former Walrus crew rises up and subdues Vane's men. After Billy rescues Silver, Dooley and Muldoon take him to Dr. Howell. Muldoon assists Dr. Howell in amputating Silver's leg, promising that the crew will take care of him. The crew then returns to Nassau, and Silver is elected quartermaster while recovering for his actions[13].
Season Three[]

Muldoon and the rest of the crew listen to Flint's speech
After the Walrus is repaired and refitted, Muldoon and the rest of the crew return to their former ship, with Silver now elected quartermaster. When they come across the abandoned Straight Arrow, Flint leads the vanguard to search her while Muldoon remains aboard with the rest of the crew, watching the empty ship. Silver then spots the Orion following them. The Walrus attempts to flee, and Muldoon and the other gun crews load the cannons in preparation for battle. Soon, the Orion catches up and the crew is surprised to hear Benjamin Hornigold, now a privateer in the service of the Crown, offer them pardons. Muldoon stands near Joji as he and the rest of the crew listen to Flint give a speech telling them not to surrender to the British, for the the British fear them and their pardons are the act of a coward. Flint, knowing that they cannot fight and hope to win, directs the Walrus into a storm, hoping to shake Hornigold off their tail. As they sail into the storm, the Orion opens fire, landing several hits on the Walrus. Muldoon informs Silver of the damage, and warns that they'll take on water once they get into the storm, and Silver orders him to work on sealing the holes and tells him that he'll be down soon to help[14].
Muldoon and Silver were down in the hold of the Walrus during the storm, plugging up small leaks with wooden blocks and sailcloth. When Silver nearly collapsed due to the pain in his leg, Muldoon attempts to help, sympathizing with Silver and telling him he understood what it was like to feel like the one who will get left behind. However, during their conversation, a cannon barrel tied to the wall breaks loose and pins his legs against the wall. Despite various attempts by Silver to move the cannon barrel, as well as shouting for aid, he remained trapped. As the water level rose, Muldoon spoke of how he heard drowning is not so painful a death, and when he could no longer keep his head above water, Silver held his hand as he died. After the ship is righted, Dooley finds Silver in the hold, still holding Muldoon's hand, and brings him upstairs[15].
Memorable Quotes[]
- "I said I've got the shits! What part of that don't you understand?"
- ―Muldoon to John Silver[src]
- "They say the worst of it don't last long. What the water does to you once it's got you. It makes you cold, makes you scared. It shows you things. Bad things. But then it warms you. It settles you. It shows you the places you've been. Like the people you've loved. They're all there waiting for you. It doesn't sound so bad."
- ―Muldoon's last words in XX.
- Muldoon has several tattoos: two on either side of the back of his head, a nautical star on the right side of his neck, a skull and crossbones, an octopus and a shark on his right arm, and the word "LIFE" on the back of his right hand.
- The star and shark are both traditional sailor tattoos. The star is supposed to represent the north star, so the sailor can always find his way home, and the shark is a protection against being eaten should he fall overboard.
- Muldoon's actor, Richard Wright-Firth, revealed on Twitter that he considered Muldoon to be gay[16].
- Wright-Firth was also able to take home the character's signature weapons, the axe pistol and the flintlock pistol with the spiked knuckle-guard. Wright-Firth named the weapons "Elizabeth" and "Victoria" respectively[17].
I. | II. | III. | IV. |
V. | VI. | VII. | VIII. |
IX. | X. | XI. | XII. | XIII. |
XIV. | XV. | XVI. | XVII. | XVIII. |
XIX. | XX. | XXI. | XXII. | XXIII. |