Quartermaster is a historical rank in both land and naval tradition.
Through a historical oddity, pirates during the Golden Age of Piracy elevated the rank of quartermaster to much higher powers and responsibilities than it had aboard any merchant or naval vessel. Pirate quartermasters (quarter deck masters), like pirate captains, were usually elected by their crews. It was the quartermaster's responsibility to lead the pirate boarding party when coming aboard another ship, as well as serve the role of "first mate" to the captain. This was usually done from the quarter deck which was the place where two ships touched during the boarding attack.
The quartermaster ranked higher than any officer aboard the ship except the captain himself, and could veto the captain's decisions whenever the ship was not chasing a prize or engaged in battle. The quartermaster also was chiefly responsible for discipline, assessing punishments for crewmen who transgressed the articles. It was common for quartermasters to become captains after the previous captain was killed or deposed.
In the event of a Quartermaster's replacement, the Boatswain is normally next in line to fulfill the role of first officer.
The Quartermaster is also a rank in the Royal Navy and the British Army. In the Navy, the Quartermaster referred to whoever was acting as the helmsman, and the person in charge of the gangplank. In the army, the Quartermaster is the officer in charge of a battalion's or regiment's supplies.
Season One[]
Hal Gates and Jack Rackham serve as the quartermasters of the Walrus and the Ranger, respectively.
Gates and Rackham broker a meeting between their captains and Eleanor Guthrie to negotiate a partnership between their crews to hunt the Urca de Lima.
Billy Bones is unanimously elected quartermaster after Gates steps down to captain the Ranger after Charles Vane is deposed as captain by Eleanor Guthrie.
Reginald Walker and Harrison, the quartermasters of the Intrepid and Black Hind, are summoned along with their captains to a meeting by Eleanor Guthrie, in the hopes to use their crews and ships as cargo vessels to replace those of the Guthrie Trading Company after Richard Guthrie announces that a warrant is out for his arrest.
After Billy Bones is assumed killed in the battle with the Andromache, Dufresne is elected quartermaster. He later leads a mutiny against Flint during the battle with the Spanish Man O' War.
After taking over Fort Nassau, Vane places a black mark on Rackham for assisting Anne Bonny in murdering the remaining members of their crew.
Season Two[]
Dufresne is the acting captain of the remaining Walrus crew after the disastrous battle with the Spanish warship, which they take command of. However, Flint engineers to regain his captaincy as a result of a failed boarding of an English Merchant Ship that Dufresne led. Dufresne is then demoted to quartermaster.
Jenks is the quartermaster of Charles Vane's new crew that garrisons Fort Nassau.
Meeks is the quartermaster of the crew of the Fancy. Concerned that Ned Low will lead their crew to ruin, he tries to enlist Eleanor Guthrie in helping him to force out Low. When Low learns of this, he beheads Meeks.
After the election between Flint and Benjamin Hornigold over their combined crew, Dufresne is exiled from the crew for conspiring against Flint. Mr. Scott is then elected quartermaster of the 70 men who chose to follow Flint.
After the events of Charles Town, in which Charles Vane's crew takes over Flint's ship, and his quartermaster Jenks tortures John Silver for the names of men from his crew who will help them sail away, which Silver refused to do at the cost of his leg, Silver is elected quartermaster.
Season Three[]
John Silver continues to serve as the quartermaster of his crew when they return to manning the Walrus.
Augustus Featherstone serves as the quartermaster to Charles Vane's crew aboard his schooner.
Dufresne continues to serve as Hornigold's second aboard his privateer vessel the Orion.
Eleanor Guthrie tells Benjamin Hornigold that multiple people knew about Woodes Rogers' secret mission to move Jack Rackham to a ship waiting on the southern coast, such as the British Army quartermaster who outfitted them.
- Hal Gates (of the Walrus)
- Billy Bones (of the Walrus after Gates)
- Dufresne (of the Walrus after Bones; subsequently of the Orion)
- John Silver (of the Walrus after Dufresne)
- Jack Rackham (of the Ranger)
- Meeks (of the Fancy)
- Augustus Featherstone (of the Colonial Dawn)
- Harrison (of the Black Hind)
- Reginald Walker (of the Intrepid)
- Mr. Scott (of the combined crew of the Spanish Man O' War)
- Jenks (of Charles Vane's crew)
- The Goliath's Quartermaster, (of the Goliath)
"As quartermasters, we serve our men best when we rise above the fray and see the truth from an unobstructed vantage." - Jack Rackham to Gates in III.