Black Sails Wiki

Sharks are long-bodied, typically predatory fish with prominent dorsal fins and sharp, teeth-like scales. There are over 1,000 species of shark. The Caribbean Reef Shark is common in the West Indies. 


Season One[]

Sharks are seen in the water after the Boarding of Parrish's Ship, likely drawn to the scent of blood after the battle. 

Muldoon, the gunner aboard the Walrus, has a tattoo of a shark on his left forearm.

Dufresne has a shark's mouth tattooed on his arm as part of an initiation after the Walrus crew elects him quartermaster

Season Three[]

His Majesty's Ship, the Shark of the Royal Navy is named after the creature. It is part of Woodes Rogers' Fleet in his effort to civilize Nassau

While starving in the DoldrumsFlint and John Silver row out to a whale carcass to see if they can use it for food for the starving crew. While the whale is rotten beyond edibility, they spot several sharks feeding off the carcass. Silver points out that they can eat the sharks, and Flint tries to harpoon one but misses. He is successful om his second attempt, and the two drag the shark into the boat and kill it. Silver then asks if Flint wants to try for another. Afterwards, they row back to the ship, and the sharks are butchered for the crew's consumption.

