Black Sails Wiki
Simón de Raja
Vital statistics
Title Midshipman
Gender Male
Status Deceased
Ships Nuestra Señora de la Encarnación y Desengaño
Relationships Raja (brother)
Appearances Mentioned in XXXIII.
Portrayed by N/A

Simón de Raja was the younger brother of Governor Vicente de Raja of Havana, and served as a midshipman aboard Nuestra Señora de la Encarnación y Desengaño



During the war, Woodes Rogers and his brother Thomas served as privateers, and were chasing the galleon Simón served on. After being chased for days, the Spanish ship refused to surrender. Shortly before striking her colors, a stern chaser fired at Rogers’ ship, scarring him and killing three men, including Thomas. When Rogers came aboard, he slaughtered the crew of the galleon one by one, beginning first with the captain, and then moving on to the first mate, the gun captains and the gun crews, personally butchering them all. Simón was among the 73 killed, but one man was left alive to spread the story. 

Season Four[]

Woodes Rogers tells Captain Berringer the story of his brother Thomas’ death during the fight with the Spanish galleon, citing what he did to the crew in revenge as proof that he will show no mercy to Edward Teach

Rogers travels to Havana and meets with Governor Raja and begs him to lend him aid in clearing the pirates out of Nassau, despite the fact that England and Spain are at war. Raja tells Rogers that he heard of Rogers’ slaughtering of the crew of Nuestra Señora de la Encarnación y Desengaño. Raja tells Rogers that he knows he wielded the sword that killed his brother, and Rogers admits to it. Raja tells Rogers not to insult him by suggesting that they are only enemies because his king tells him they are. Rogers is ultimately able to convince Raja to lend him ships and men to get the pirates out of Nassau by telling him that after they conquer the British colonies, they’ll turn to Spain’s. 


"I had a younger brother once, Simón. He was a midshipman aboard' 'Nuestra Señora de la Encarnación. Beneath a flag of surrender, he was butchered, and I'm told you likely wielded the sword personally. Am I misinformed?" - Governor Raja to Woodes Rogers in XXXIII.
